Our Services

Envision® Investment Planning

The Altheide Tam Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors provides a wide array of Wealth Management Services to better serve your needs:

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We all have our own unique goals, and we're sure you'd like to feel more confident that you're en route toward yours. You probably want to save for retirement and help send your children or grandchildren to college. And there may be other goals, such as making a major purchase or leaving a financial legacy for your heirs or favorite charities. To help you reach them all, you need an effective, easy-to-understand roadmap to keep you headed in the right direction - especially given the unforeseen twists and turns that lie ahead.

To help create your roadmap, one step is Wells Fargo Advisors' Envision process. Unlike other planning processes you may have seen, an Envision investment plan can help you uncover goals, determine which are the most (and least) important and track your progress toward achieving them. It also has the flexibility to account for any possible changes you may face ahead. In fact, research shows that 98% of our Envision clients know where they stand in reaching their financial goals.

Our Envision process is the way we do business: Remaining focused on what is most important to you, helping you achieve your goals and monitoring your progress for change are some of the key fundamentals. It is also one of the first steps toward helping you plan for the life you want tomorrow, today. [For more information, please read the brochures linked below] We'd like to sit down with you to discuss your situation and how a no-cost Envision investment plan may work for you.

The Envision® Planning Process Helps Clients Stay on Track

  • 98% agree their plan is personally tailored to meet their unique financial goals
  • 96% agree having an Envision plan helps them feel better prepared for retirement
  • 92% agree their plan helps them talk to their Financial Advisor about significant life events

Results are based on survey conducted online by Vesta Research from June 5- June 22, 2019 among 457 Envision clients with Financial Advisor relationships. Results are not representative of other client experiences or indicative of future success or performance. The Envision Process is a brokerage service provided by Wells Fargo Advisors.

Envision® methodology: Based on accepted statistical methods, the Envision tool uses a simulation model to test your Ideal, Acceptable and Recommended Investment Plans. The simulation model uses assumptions about inflation, financial market returns and the relationships among these variables. These assumptions were derived from analysis of historical data. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the Envision tool simulates 1,000 different potential outcomes over a lifetime of investing varying historical risk, return, and correlation amongst the assets. Some of these scenarios will assume strong financial market returns, similar to the best periods of history for investors. Others will be similar to the worst periods in investing history. Most scenarios will fall somewhere in between. Elements of the Envision presentations and simulation results are under license from Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. © 2003-2021 Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wealthcare Capital Management LLC is a separate entity and is not directly affiliated with Wells Fargo Advisors.